The OTC Foundation (OTCF) is an interactive global network of surgeons and scientists, dedicated to the advancement of evidence-based osteosynthesis and trauma care through education, research and professional networking. Its goal is to attract both young and experienced professionals who are practicing medicine in the fields of trauma care, fragility fractures and osteoporosis. The purpose of the OTC Foundation is to promote and support the global advancement of osteosynthesis and trauma care through education, research and the improvement of clinical practice. Through international symposia, the OTC Foundation stimulates the international focus on the latest “hot topics” and guides research. This leads to the award of research grants and the conduct of research courses.
The OTC Foundation includes 20 local chapters – including OTC Spain – around the world. It offers various services to enhance exchange and training among its members, such as interlinking them through common meetings.
OTCF also directly addresses its member chapters and their respective members via a global web platform. It stimulates international focus on the latest “hot topics” and fosters research through international symposia. In turn, all local OTC member chapters organize educational courses to improve trauma care locally and at various experience levels, thereby strengthening the existing knowledge base.
Foundation Membership
OTCF membership is managed locally by OTC Spain. Interested surgeons should directly refer to the membership section on this website for further information.